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Catalog training
An interdisciplinary chemistry-geoscience laboratory
The Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers (IC2MP) is a multidisciplinary joint research unit (UMR) of the University of Poitiers and the CNRS (INC and INSU) in the fields of chemistry and geosciences of the surface (UMR 7285). Created in 2012, it results from the merger of four Unités Mixtes de Recherche (LACCO, LCME, SRSN and HYDRASA) historically present in Poitiers for more than 40 years. It has about 260 members (about 100 researchers and research teachers and about 50 permanent technical staff, and around 110 non-permanent staff, including 90 PhD students).
Since its creation, the IC2MP has developed a scientific policy around sustainable chemistry by integrating in particular (1) the synthesis of molecules and materials according to energy and atom-saving processes and (2) their interactions with natural environments (reactivity, transfer, bioaccumulation, persistence, etc.) This chemistry-geoscience allows the IC2MP to integrate environmental issues on a wide area of the value chain of a process by integrating in a global way all the steps of a process of transformation of a chemical compound and to be able to propose solutions The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Science and Technology, Science and Technology, Design and Environmental Implications.
Research focuses on resources (carbon, water, natural molecules), their transformations and their interactions with natural environments. Particular emphasis is placed on the concept
Virtuous and complementary processes
The idea behind this common project is the notion of the life cycle according to the adage «nothing is lost, everything is recovered». This scientific strategy of the unit falls within the framework of the major societal challenges defined by the trustees, whether at regional, national level by the Strategic Agency for Research but also in the priorities of the European Union (Horizon 2020 program).
Women and men gathered around research
The strength of IC2MP also lies in the multidisciplinary and complementary nature of the research themes developed in the five teams by researchers and teachers-researchers as well as staff supporting research located in administrative departments, on analytical and technological platforms or in teams.
The laboratory also regularly hosts students and researchers from around the world.
High level scientific equipment
The IC2MP has a very important analytical park gathered in the PLATINA platform that allows to analyze the texture and structure of materials as well as organic molecules in different media. Most of the major equipment is financed mainly by CPER/FEDER Nouvelle-Aquitaine funds.
An institute at the heart of national and international academic and industrial networks
IC2MP is an outward-looking laboratory at the heart of national academic research networks:
and international:
leading to numerous scientific collaborations.
The teams have always developed numerous partnerships with industrialists ranging from the TPE (very small company) to large groups in the form of research contracts.
The unit’s financing (€4 million) mainly comes from:
The IC2MP also draws on the training of the University of Poitiers: bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry and geosciences and the engineering school ENSI Poitiers.
Yannick Pouilloux
Director of the IC2MP
It is composed of the director, Yannick Pouilloux , the 3 Deputy directors – Christine Canaff, Karine De Oliveira Vigier and Florence Epron – and the administrator, Carine Noël.
5 members, weekly meeting
It brings together:
13 members, weekly meetings
Consisting of:
Audrey ALLAVENA | Bastien MICHELET |
It includes all the IC2MP staff, permanent and non-permanent.
Meeting at least once a year, convened by the Director of the IC2MP
Chief Administration
Human Resources Manager
Permanent training correspondent
Communications Officer
Head of Communication Commission
Image and sound specialist
Chief Financial Officer
Head of the IC2MP Purchasing Commission
Financial Managers
Julie Gonvin, coordinator